
Key Points Digest

宿舍型態及設施說明 Description of the Dormitory

東吳大學華語教學中心(The Chinese Language Center of Soochow University)所提供之宿舍名稱為楓雅學苑,提供二人房與四人房。報名表上的住宿需求調查表為有條件式免費預約,會盡量安排但不保證一定有此房型可供入住。您可能會沒宿舍床位而須自己找租屋處。如預約房型已滿,將安排至其他房型。二人房月租11300台幣,四人房5800元。月租費用含水電及無線網路,但不含寢具、盥洗用品,(更多楓雅學苑住宿說明)。本案從2022年冬季班起開始實施住宿二個學季的住宿限制措施,已經入住之學生亦從冬季班開始計算。學生須自備寢具更多楓雅樓住宿介紹


The name of the dormitory provided by the center is Fengya Hall, which includes twin and quadruple rooms. The reservation form is a conditional free reservation. We will try our best to make arrangements but we cannot guarantee that the room type is available for occupancy. You might end up with no room and must find your own housing. If your room type is full, the other room types will be arranged. The monthly rent for a twin room is NT$11,300, and a 4-person room is  NT$5,800. The monthly rental fee includes water, electricity, and Wi-Fi, but does not include bedding and toiletries. (More information on accommodation in Fengya Hall) The 2-quarter staying policy takes effect in the 2022 winter quarter. Those who are already staying at the moment will start their counting by the winter quarter. New dwellers must prepare their bedding. More introduction about the Fengya Hall.

Other dorms are run by the school housing office. Students of the CLC must obtain their approval to use the dorms.

下圖示意本中心自有宿舍及校內其他宿舍之關係。The picture below shows the dorm owned by the CLC and other dorms owned by the school housing office.


住宿安排規則 Policy for dorm arrangement


Starting from the winter class of 2022, Fengya Hall can only be accommodated for a maximum of 2 quarters.  Old students who have stayed for more than 2 quarters should find a rental place and move out of Fengya Hall within 3 days after the end of the second quarter. The next day after the end of the course is the first day of the three. After completing the new reservation and if there are still dorm vacancies in Fengya Hall but the demand is greater than the supply, we would do a lucky draw one month before the new quarter to decide the old students’ housing needs. If the demand is less than the supply, all old students stay for another 3 months. The list of new students and old students staying in the dorm will be announced one month before the start of each new quarter.

其他宿舍 Other dorms

本校尚有本地學生宿舍,有校園內(在楓雅學苑旁邊約3分鐘路程)跟校園外(北投泉思宿舍),分別為 5 人及8人房並跟台灣本地學生當室友,此處所指之宿舍群為9月及2月限定(亦即秋季班與春季班學生),除了寢具須自備之外,網路、電費也都另計,且須一次繳清 4.5 (指校內宿,另外的1.5個月的寒暑假住宿費另計,大約台幣10,000元)或 6個月(指北投泉思宿舍)的住宿費。住宿品質以校園外的北投泉思宿舍較優且交通便利,距**捷運站新北投**僅5分鐘路程,通勤至本校約30-40分鐘,附近有便利商店、夜市商家等。重點是住過的學員都喜歡北投的泉思宿舍,不想搬回楓雅學苑。



The school also offers local student dormitories, on campus (a few minutes walk to Fengya Hall) and off campus (Beitou Chuan Szu House). They offer 5, and 8 people in a room. Your roommates are local students from our school.

The dormitory offers are limited to September and February only. In other words, only fall and spring quarter students. Their rents should be paid in one payment for 4.5 months(the one on campus. The other 1.5 months in summer/ winter break is about TWD10,0000.) and 6 months (the one off campus).

Bedding set, internet, and energy bills are charged besides the rent. The accommodation quality is the best in Beitou Chuan Szu House(北投全思宿舍), a 5-minute walk to the New Bietou MRT stations, and 30 to 40 minutes commuting to school. There are convenience stores and a night market nearby. The main point is that those who had stayed there before all gave high opinions of this place and didn’t want to return to Fengya Hall.

The cost of accommodation in either on-campus or off-campus dormitories may be cheaper than in Fengya Hall. Staying with local student roommates will improve your Chinese proficiency rapidly. After the Fengya Hall is full, the center has the right to arrange the lodgers to other dormitories when vacancies are available. The dorm list will be announced one month before the new quarter.